…Almost Done

Once the fall leaves started turning and the stores put out all things PSL themed things, the motivational IG pages that I follow made a swift shift with the season as well.

What was once posts telling you to be easy, give your self grace etc suddenly was infiltrated by “ 3 MONTHS LEFT OF THE YEAR! HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED YOUR GOALS?! HOW TO MANIFEST MILLIONS IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS OF THE YEAR …” I unfollowed pages faster than an annual Instagram “bot sweep” when users lose thousands of followers overnight.

How do those posts make you feel?

Personally, this year especially, I prioritized my physical and mental health as my top priority and I was finally able to get into a routine that allowed me to accomplish my goal of being healthier. I do have a few other items that I would like to accomplish by the end of the year, but I’ll also be okay if these things do not happen by December 31st 2022.

Do you set goals to accomplish on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis? | Do social media motivational speakers influence your progress when accomplishing these goals?

…Sound off in the comments!




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